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  • On The Trail
    P.O. Box 1316
    Gallatin, TN 37066

    On The Trail
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    Historical Enterprises
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    The Historical Trekker

    A historical trekker is a person who has a great interest in a historical time period. Their infatuation with it goes beyond only reading available historical literature. They have acquired historically correct clothing, firearms, and all other necessary accoutrements that were actually available and being used during their time frame of personal interest. This person usually chooses a persona which is a specific character-roll from their time period of interest. The persona chosen might be a Rocky Mountain Trapper, Eastern Longhunter, French & Indian War participant, Revolutionary War participant, Southwestern Frontiersman, Farmer, Hunter, Trader, French Voyager, Native American, etc. Part of the persona will be a time frame and a geographical location. With their chosen persona, authentic accoutrements, and literary knowledge, the historical trekker enjoys adventures or treks in the wilderness, such as National Forests, etc. There, far away from the settlements, the historical trekker is able to experience the lifestyle lived by the early frontier people. The words "historical" and "trek" are defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as follows: "Historical" - (1) concerned with history as a science: as, the historical method. (2) providing evidence for a fact of history. "Trek"- (2) a journey or leg of a journey. The word "trek" was not a common word of the pre-1840 frontier, but it has been chosen to use in reference to activities in historical experimental archaeology. To go on a historical trek is to journey back in time.

    ...Rick Edwards, Previous Editor - On The Trail magazine

    I am often asked why I indulge in this hobby called Historical Trekking? First I explain to folks that I do not consider it a "hobby", I prefer to refer to it as a Lifestyle. Naturally not everyone understands. Why would anyone wish to go into the woods with only a minimum amount of "old timey" gear? The few neighbors I have now know I 'm not dangerous, nor crazy. When they see me in my historical period garb they know I'm just out having fun. I really believe seeking a more simple lifestyle is just in my blood. I love being in the woods, and free of the 20th Century if only for a short time. Beit on a Scout to locate new material for a pair of Snowshoes to be constructed or looking for some dry rotten wood for smoking some deer hides. Trekking is very healthy too. You build up your wind, strengthen your heart and lungs. From the moment you dress in your primitive clothing you are transported back to a time when there were no schedules to keep, telephones, televisions, no rat race -- plain and simple. You feel the comfort of your well worn shirt, and detect the aroma of dozens of past campfires. Your moccasins cling to your feet like a second skin. You shoulder your knapsack and shooting bag, and feel the heft of your longrifle in your hand. You smile. You feel a certain sense of comfort knowing that along with your knife and tomahawk you could live well without anything else for a long time -- and in relative comfort. Moving along an ancient path that has been worn smooth by hundreds of feet, you feel at peace with yourself. The warm afternoon sun on your face, striding along with no one to answer to except yourself and the Almighty. Regardless whether you walk, ride a horse, or trek by watercraft, you get a certain joy while out reliving the past. As you move along, blood flows through your body feeding every cell oxygen -- gliding along you put the miles behind. You feel really alive and refreshed.

    A Historical Trekker is one who has more than likely been caught in a sudden Spring shower and has felt the Summer sun beat down on him as the waterproofing melts from his mocs. You can call yourself a Historical Trekker when you have had to brush the heavy Autumn frost off your blanket on a morning in late October, and felt Old Man Winter's icy blast on your face -- then you can call yourself a Historical Trekker. A Historical Trekker has gone up near vertical inclines, through briar patches, crossed ice cold streams, swamps, and gone over ground only a Mountain Goat could negotiate.

    I can only warn you, Historical Trekking can get a powerful grip on you. More addictive than any drug, the only way to satisfy the craving is don your pack, snatch up your longrifle, pouch, and horn and simply head for the wilderness forest.

    In closing let me leave you with some thoughts by some great thinkers and writers...

    ...Chuck Casada, staff writer for On The Trail magazine

    The swiftest traveler is he that goes afoot. -- Thoreau

    He travels the fastest who travels alone. -- Kipling

    The civilized man has built a coach, but he has lost the use of his feet. -- Emerson

    "The poetry of history lies in the miraculous fact that once on this earth, on this familiar spot of ground, walked other men and women as actual as we are today, thinking their own thoughts, swayed by their own passions, but now all gone, vanishing one after another, gone as utterly as we ourselves shall be gone like ghosts at cockcrow."

    ...G.M. Trevelyan

    On The Trail magazine
    P.O. Box 1316
    Gallatin, TN 37066
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